How did I come up with The Foldable Gaming Chair Company?
Well, it’s a good question.
I knew I wanted to create a brand that would speak to me.
So, in order to find the name, I first wrote down what it needed to represent:
Casualness / Not being too serious. I wanted to go against the brand that targets hardcore gamers. To put forward the casual gamers.
Space / Cosmos feel. I wanted to represent the sensation of entering your own universe while playing a video game.
Playfulness/Warmth. I wanted to create a brand that would highlight the fun of video games.
Now that I had the direction of my brand voice, it was time to find the name of the company.
To get ideas, I brainstormed company names I liked:
As time went by, The Foldable Gaming Chair Company was always coming back.
Maybe it is my background in tech, but I was tired of flashy names.
Having a practical name was appealing to me.
So there I had it, the name of my company: The Foldable Gaming Chair Company. Or TFGCC for the close ones.
Considering the pragmatic company name, the logo needed to communicate my vision of the brand.
Surprisingly, it's while playing Ratchet and Clank, that I found my first nugget of inspiration.
The warmth of the colours and the gradient caught my eyes.
With that image in mind, I reached out to freelancers on Fiverr to create the logo.
Here are some of the logos I received:
I liked the colours of the 3rd logo and the planet on the 4th one.
I asked my freelancer to create another logo that would combine both.
That’s what I received:
Next step, I ordered a sample of my chair to see what it looked like on the headrest.
It's by showing the logo to my friends and family that I realized I was not satisfied with logo.
Many people thought it was too generic.
Working with freelancers on websites like Fiverr is good when you want to save money and go fast. However, I found it hard to communicate what I was looking for.
Therefore, I decided to continue my quest to create a logo by hiring a freelancer from my hometown.
After many conversations, the new designer came up with the idea of mixing a star with the shape of the chair.
Here is how it was presented to me:
I liked the concept because it represented the cosmos and my main product.
I saw a lot of cool things I could do with that logo, I was in.
Here is the initial version that was suggested:
I liked the gradient that gives the impression of floating in space.
But, I didn't like the yellow. I asked the designer to suggest other colours:
Here were my favourite colours:
Light purple (2nd set)
Dark Blue (3rd set)
Light Yellow (4th set)
Based on these colours, we created different versions of the logo:
Here is a version with that northern light vibe:
I was satisfied with this logo and the colours. It checked all my requirements in terms of what I wanted to express as a brand.
So, there you have it, the story behind the name of the company and its logo.
I'm thrilled to be able to use that logo and show The Foldable Gaming Chair Company as a fun, playful brand for all gamers!
The Foldable Gaming Chair